Minah H. Jung
Associate Professor
New York University
Leonard N. Stern School of Business
40 West 4th Street, Tisch 909
New York, NY 10012
Published Papers
(* denotes equal contribution)
*Jung, M. H., *Critcher, C. R., & Nelson, L. D. (2024). Evaluations are inherently comparative, but are compared to what? Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,127(2), 291-311.
*Evangelidis, I., *Jung, M. H., & *Moon, A. (2024) The measurement of valuation. Consumer Psychology Review. DOI:10.1002/arcp.1103.
Yilmaz, A., Engeler, I., & Jung, M. H. (2024). Default Effects. In Elgar Encyclopedia of Consumer Behavior (pp. 137-140). Edward Elgar Publishing
Jung, M. H., (2023). Field experimentation in consumer research. In C. Lamberton, D. Rucker, & S. Spiller (Eds.), The Cambridge Handbook of Consumer Psychology (Cambridge Handbooks in Psychology, pp. 531-547). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. DOI:10.1017/9781009243957.023
*Jung, M., H., *Smeets, P., *Stoop, J., & *Vosgerau, J. (2023). Social status and unethical behavior: Two replications of the field studies in Piff et al. (2012). Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 152(5), 1368-1378.
*Adams, I., *Celly, M., *Diaw, M., *Kim, G., & Nelson, L. D. & Jung, M., H. (2022). Prosocial spending encourages happiness: A replication of the only experiment reported in Dunn, Aknin, and Norton(2008). PLoS ONE, 17(9) : e0272434.
Gonzalez, F., Jung, M. H., & Critcher, C. R. (2021). Responsibility amplifies empathic forecasts. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 150(5), 956-917.
Munz, K., Jung, M. H, & Alter, A. (2020). Name similarity encourages generosity: A field experiment in email personalization. Marketing Science, 39(6), 1071-1091.
Jung, M. H., Gonzalez, F., & Critcher, C. R. (2020). The vicarious construal effect: Seeing and experiencing the world through different eyes. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 118(4), 617-638.
Online Supplemental Studies and Materials
*Jung, M. H., *Moon, A., & Nelson, L. D. (2020). Overestimating the valuations and preferences of others. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 149 (6), 1193-1214.
Online Supplemental Studies and Materials
*Jung, M. H., & *Sun, C., & Nelson, L. D. (2018). People can recognize, learn, and apply default effects in social influence. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 115(35), E8105-E8006.
Jung, M. H., & Critcher, C. R. (2018). How encouraging niceness can incentivize nastiness: An unintended consequence of advertising reform. Journal of Marketing Research, 55(1), 147-161.
Jung, M. H., Nelson, L. D., Gneezy, U., & Gneezy, A. (2017). Signaling virtue: charitable behavior under consumer elective pricing. Marketing Science, 36(2), 187-194.
*Jung, M. H., *Perfecto, H., & Nelson, L. D. (2016). Anchoring in payment: Evaluating a judgmental heuristic in field experimental settings. Journal of Marketing Research, 53(3), 354-368.
Jung, M. H., Nelson, L. D., Gneezy, A., & Gneezy, U. (2014). Paying more when paying for others. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 107(3), 414.
Manuscripts with Invited Revision
*Gao, R., *Huang, S., & Jung., M. H., Multiple price listing (MPL) systematically lowers valuation.
*Jung, M. H., *Saccardo, S., Gneezy, A. & Nelson, L. D. Image concerns and generosity: Field evidence and predictions.
*Imas, A. O., *Jung, M. H., *Saccardo., S., & *Vosgerau, J. The impact of joint versus separate prediction mode on forecasting accuracy.
Manuscripts under Review
*Evangelidis, I., *Jung, M. H., & *Moon, A. J. When willingness-to-pay seems irrational: The role of perceived market price.
Manuscripts in Preparation
Powell, E., Huang, S., Jung, M. H., & Vosgerau, J. Time preferences in giving
Gao, R., Jung, M. H., & Nelson, L. D. Accuracy can be artifactual and illusory in forecasts of intervention effects.
Gao, R. & Jung, M. H. The good deal seeking account of the uncertainty effect.
*Evangelidis, I., *Huang, S., *Jung, M. H., *Shennib, F. A. Reexamination of human irrationality in valuation judgments.
Gonzalez, F., Jung, M. H., & Critcher, C. R. Perspective taking and political polarization.